
Bringing Viewings to Life for PBS

Screening guides for PBS SoCal

PBS has an events resources library that makes it easy for educators to host film screenings of PBS documentaries.

Targeted toward educators, student and community groups, and librarians, these resources need to account for the needs of audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

I authored screening guides for LOST LA, Roots of Comedy, and Earth Focus. Each guide expands upon the episode or movie to create a more interactive experience for viewers, with riveting discussion questions, fun activities, and multimedia resources to spark curiosity.

I worked within the PBS house style, which requires the guides to be politically neutral (even when approaching political topics, such as environmental conservation or LA city planning) as well as accessible.

Client: PBS SoCal
Work: Screening Guidelines
Location: Los Angeles
Date: 2023-2024

Writing Samples


The Events Resources Library

Episode Background, Page 2
Writing Sample, Cecilia Anderson

View the full LOST LA Hiking Trailblazers Screening Guide:

Link to .pdf

Roots of Comedy 
Screening Guide Group Activity
Writing Sample, Cecilia Anderson

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